To update your Revonu POS system to the latest POS release, please follow the simple steps below.
Note: Software can be updated at any time, however it is recommended to be updated before store opening or after store closing. You do not need to perform a POS "Close Day" operation.
Important: Please DO NOT uninstall the existing Revonu Cloud POS application. If you have more than 1 Revonu POS station, you must install all stations with the same software version.
The software update will take approximately 3 minutes or less depending on your internet speed.
1. From the POS login screen select BACK OFFICE:
2. Look for the most recent version (the first option) and select DOWNLOAD:
3. You'll see a Open in "iTunes"? pop up message, select OPEN:
4. Next, you'll see a pop up "" select INSTALL. The application will being the update and install process.
You can now close the app and see the installation in process from the Apples home screen:
5. Update is complete once you see the blue dot next to your Revonu Cloud POS application:
6. To confirm if the application version has been updated successfully, lunch the Cloud POS application and confirm the version number on the bottom left hand side of the POS login screen:
7. Your Revonu POS software has now been successfully updated.